Hamster Care – How To House Syrian Hamsters?

Syrian hamsters are renamed in the rodent world for being unsociable and solitary. When they are young they are happy to live together. During this time they are still somewhat dependent on their mother, and are not bothered, annoyed, or intimidated by other hamsters.

However, once Syrians reach about 6-10 weeks old they begin to develop an instinct and desire to live on their own, and to have their own space. At this age you should separate your hamsters so that they each have their own living space. Although this seems sad, as if you are depriving them of company, it is really how they like to live.

Sometimes you will see Syrian hamsters living together well after the 6-10 week point. This often occurs in pet shops, where the owner can not spare the space or money to give each hamster its own living space, so they are generally put into the same cage together.

Unfortunately this often leads to friction, fights, and violence between the animals. The severity of these losses only gets worse as the hamsters get older. Many owners do not even know that this is happening, because the hamsters tend to fight during the night when they are at their most alert and active.

It is important to ensure that your hamsters do not get to this stage, as once they start fighting, these delicate creatures can become seriously injured, or even killed.

When it comes to keeping and housing Syrians, it is essential that you give each animal its own living space, so bear this in mind before buying this breed. You can read more “How to Care for Syrian Hamsters

Source HamsterPetCare.Com

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